Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ALTER.ZIP | Yes | 8441 | 2/23/1990 | Alter 2.55a allows you change change the attributes of files (hidden, read-only, read-write, system, etc.), as well as the system time and date stamps for files. We have seen many file attribute utilities over the years, but this is the best. (Bruce Gavin) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
ASCIIPRO.ZIP | Yes | 277202 | 1/10/1993 | ASCII-PRO 4.5ES will allow you to change, transform, search, replace, eliminate, sort, format, list, ASCII files in a wide variety of ways. It will eliminate some or all printer codes, search/replace up to ten text strings simultaneously, add line numbers to text, and remove or add spaces in front or end of every line. This is just a partial list of the programs capabilities which is surprisingly very easy to use with its menu-driven interface and the amount of things it will allow you to do. (Dr. K. Th. Hell-Turler) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
ATTS.ZIP | Yes | 6272 | 1/10/1994 | ATTS 1.0 allows you to change the hidden and read-only attributes of any file. (Ray Dittmeier) (Reg.Fee: $7) |
BC_SSS.ZIP | Yes | 17108 | 5/29/1989 | Beyond Compare is a line-by-line file comparator. In comparing two files, Beyond Compare repeatedly looks for consecutive lines of text that are identical in both files and then reports the lines between the matching sections as differences. Beyond Compare is particularly useful for comparing two source code files or text files. (Stepping Stone Software) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
BINCOMP.ZIP | Yes | 9973 | 5/29/1989 | Bincomp is intended primarily for comparing binary (non-text) files. It shows the offset location of any differences. (Telemacus Software Associates) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CBIN.ZIP | Yes | 4885 | 5/29/1989 | Cbin will compare each byte to the end-of-file of the longer of the two files or for a specified number of differences. Type "CBIN2" for command syntax. (Steven D. Stern) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CHG.ZIP | Yes | 20528 | 5/16/1994 | CHG 3.3 changes file attributes, dates, and times on any file. You can also hide and unhide directories. (Bob Eyer) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
CHNGIT11.ZIP | Yes | 14575 | 3/18/1994 | ChangeIt 1.1 allows you to change any file date and time without the read-only attribute set. You can change any system or hidden files, one file, a series or even whole directories. (James Huckabey) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CHOP.ZIP | Yes | 22792 | 4/29/2023 | Chop 3.1 chops big files into more easily managed small files. Several options are offered to control where and how often the chopping takes place. Another feature allows you to extract a portion of a file. (Walter Kennamer) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
CMP_BJB.ZIP | Yes | 8844 | 5/29/1989 | CMP-BJB is a file comparison program. Intended primarily for programmers, CMP can be set up to detect mainly those differences which afect the operation of the resulting executable programs, ignoring matters which concern only the appearance or readability of the source files. CMP shows the two files side-by-side when comparing them line-by-line. You can page through the files or press F to move forward or backward to the next set up unmatched lines. Although CMP.EXE is designed primarily for programmers, it will work on any ASCII file, but not binary files because of the nature of the approach used. (B. J. Ball) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CNP050.ZIP | Yes | 40747 | 5/31/1994 | Cut&Paste 0.50 will cut large files into smaller pieces and also reassemble them. This can be useful for modem transfers, backups, etc. (Jason LeMay) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
COL.ZIP | Yes | 10074 | 8/10/1994 | COL will convert a file's lines that are longer than 80 characters to a shorter (user-specified) length. It locates the first blank space beyond the column number you give it and breaks the line in two at that point, moving the excess to a new line below the current one. It does not do word-wrap. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
COMB.ZIP | Yes | 11095 | 7/26/1991 | Comb 2.2 is a convenient way to combine files into one in a specified sort order. For example, to combine all the Utilities files on the PsL Reviews Disks, you would say COMB U*.* and the files would be combined into one and (NOTE:) the original files will be deleted. (Bob Eyer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
COMP_RSZ.ZIP | Yes | 26878 | 4/14/1994 | Compare 1.0 compares the contents of two text files and writes any differences to a file. (R. S. Zale) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
COMPARE.ZIP | Yes | 15830 | 5/29/1989 | Compare displays the differences between two text or two binary files. Files need not be the same length, and paragraph reformatting changes introduced by word wrap are ignored. Files are displayed in two on-screen windows. Differences are shown in inverse video, and are preceded by several lines of matching text to provide a context. (Michael J. Mefford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
COMPAREM.ZIP | Yes | 175902 | 3/6/1994 | Compare! is a file comparison utility. It filters whitespaces such as tabs and line feeds, case, and user defined text and groups of text. You can strip the high bits from WordStar type files. You can also save and restore the current status of your comparison; copy, print and append files or marked blocks from a file; edit and delete files; shell to DOS; find specific text in either or both files; find the last difference or scroll back through the last 50 differences; go to a specific byte location and return DOS error code. (Kim Mosher) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
COMPF.ZIP | Yes | 34166 | 3/28/1991 | Compf compares two text files, and produces a listing to indicate which lines have been added, changed or deleted. Options let you control how the files are compared, to ignore blank lines, to ignore characters on the left- or right-hand side of lines, and to indicate how many changes to report before the comparison stops. (R.W. Payne) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CONCAT.ZIP | Yes | 15479 | 5/16/1994 | Concat 2.0 will join multiple files into a single file in a user specified sequence. Files can be concatenated one at a time or sorted by file spec as a group. (Wayne E. Birch) (Reg.Fee: $12) |
CRC.ZIP | Yes | 20600 | 6/10/1994 | CRC 1.0 provides a method for comparing two files from different computers to determine if they are identical. (William D. Hause) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
CRC_M2.ZIP | Yes | 13148 | 1/25/1990 | CRC-M2 1.13 displays both 16- and 32-bit CRC values for selected files. It is useful for comparing contents of archives with external files. It is also useful for comparing files that are physically separated by distance or incompatible hardware. C source is included. (Raymond T. Kaya) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CRCFILE.ZIP | Yes | 29707 | 5/28/1989 | CRCfile will verify CRC checksums for a user-selected set of files on any number of disks to determine whether files have been changed or deleted. The 16-bit checksums are maintained in a single text file. The program will work across a complex directory structure of a hard disk. (T. J. Cruise) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CUT.ZIP | Yes | 9528 | 5/29/1989 | Cut cuts out selected fields of each line of a file. You could use this to remove columns from a table, etc. The fields can be the same length on each line or can be a specified field number in a line marked by delimiters, such as those exported by most database and spreadsheet programs. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CUTZIT.ZIP | Yes | 87657 | 3/2/1994 | Cutzit cuts up files into smaller files, as well as allowing several other cutting, trimming, and pasting chores. One of the main uses for a file chopper is to get a large file onto several disks. (David Roper) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DBLLIST.ZIP | Yes | 17962 | 6/22/1989 | DblListr 1.03 lets you scroll and page through two files simultaneously. The files will be displayed initially in two horizontal windows, each taking half the screen. Pressing V changes the screen to two vertical windows. The display can be toggled to let either of the two take up two-thirds of the screen in either the vertical or horizontal display. Other features include a Hex display and a text search function. Note that the amount of each file displayed is limited to available memory, so you may get an End of File message when you know you are not at the end of the file. (Stephen S. Bates) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
DBMERGE.ZIP | Yes | 42786 | 5/29/1989 | Dbmerger 1.1 will allow you to merge delimited database export files. (Reg.Fee: $50) |
DEBUG2.ZIP | Yes | 3298 | 6/22/1989 | Debug2 is a text file that tells you how to use DEBUG to find your way around a diskette or hard disk. Its main purpose is to guide you in the event you need to unerase a file. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DFR.ZIP | Yes | 7565 | 10/6/1991 | Diskette File Recover 1.01 recovers files from a damaged disk. (Mark Vitt) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DIFF.ZIP | Yes | 23071 | 5/29/1989 | Diff compares two text files and puts change bars in the margin of the second one to indicate changes. (Peter Van Es) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DIFF_CS.ZIP | Yes | 44415 | 12/23/1993 | Diff 1.10 displays two files or directories side by side. Differences between them will be displayed. DIFF can be useful for programmers who want to compare two versions of a source text file. (Softwaretechnik) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
DIFF_KO.ZIP | Yes | 19581 | 9/23/1989 | Diff 1.0 is a file comparison program with an international flavor. It will prompt you in English or German. It will compare to files byte by byte or line by line. `C' and assembler source code is included for customizing for other languages. (Klaus Overhage) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DIVIDE.ZIP | Yes | 14517 | 11/23/1990 | Divide 2.0 extracts into a file blocks of text from a file based on a user-specified search string and user-specified characters that indicate the start of blocks. For example, to extract all messages about "hard disks" from a file of messages downloaded from CompuServe, you would indicate that messages start with the characters "#:", which can be seen by looking at the file. Blank lines can also be specified as the start of blocks. Optionally, the program will create a third file containing any blocks NOT extracted. This results in dividing the original file into two. Blocks can also optionally be restricted to text within specified columns. This is a fast and powerful utility with many possible applications. (Bob Eyer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DRS.ZIP | Yes | 59600 | 7/17/1991 | Data Recovery Software 1.12SF assists in the recovery of data from floppy disks that give you the "GENERAL FAILURE READING DRIVE A" message. It is designed to bypass DOS and move your drive head to each logical sector of the disk. It then converts the raw data found there to a form you can read. If information is on a disk and the disk will spin in your drive, this may help you get at it. (Data Research Software) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
FCBIN.ZIP | Yes | 29623 | 9/13/1993 | FCBin 1.2 compares two files and lists the differences between them byte by byte. Text or binary files can be compared. (Mike Albert) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
FCDOC1.ZIP | Yes | 36647 | 9/13/1993 | FCdoc 2.4 is a file comparison utility similar to Albert's FC utility, but it compares files by sentence rather than by line. The program works with any ASCII text file containing English text. Like FC this program will always finds a minimal list of differences (i.e. smallest number of sentences deleted and added), and never misses matching sentences. You can compare documents of up to 16,300 sentences. (Mike Albert) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
FCOPY_CS.ZIP | Yes | 10698 | 3/8/1994 | FCopy 1.0 will copy any size file to disk. If the file is too large to fit on the destination disk, the program will prompt the user for another disk. FCopy can then be used to reassemble the original file. (CompSoft Services) (Reg.Fee: $14) |
FDATE.ZIP | Yes | 31735 | 1/11/1990 | FDate 1.2b resets files to a given date. This utility has a multitude of options for choosing the date to set, such as in Hex, the Julian date, the current date minus N days, a specific day of the week's date, and more. (Garrett A. Wollman) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
FILMERG.ZIP | Yes | 11776 | 5/29/1989 | Filmerge lets you merge two sorted files by a specified field. (James Irwin) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
FLEXX10.ZIP | Yes | 108865 | 2/15/1994 | Flexx 1.0 is a data file comparison utility. It evaluates data within multiple areas of each file and has the ability to perform synchronized comparisons to identify added or deleted records. (William B. O'Dannel) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
FORAGE.ZIP | Yes | 36834 | 1/5/1994 | ForAge 1.00a feeds the oldest or newest file from a group of files to a DOS command. It can be used for automatic backups or anywhere you want a program to process files in time and date order. (Timothy Campbell) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
GOODLOOK.ZIP | Yes | 57440 | 3/8/1994 | GoodLook lets you compare two files a line at a time. One file scrolls up the screen from the middle and the other scrolls down the screen from middle, so the lines you are comparing from each file appear one above the other for easy comparison. Goodlook has lots of features to make the comparison even easier. (John L. III Dove) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
JS_NOT.ZIP | Yes | 13842 | 9/17/1993 | JS-Not 1.0 lets you specify files on which action should NOT be taken. For example, you can delete or copy all files but those specified. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $8) |
JS_REC30.ZIP | Yes | 29444 | 5/24/1994 | JS-Rec 3.0 tells you what software created a specified file. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $18) |
JSRPRT11.ZIP | Yes | 105114 | 10/13/1993 | JSReport 1.1 lets you extract data from files and format the data into reports. (Johnathan Mark Smith) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
MATCH.ZIP | Yes | 17795 | 4/15/1994 | Match Files 2.0 compares two files and displays the differences between them. (D. P. Jennings) (Reg.Fee: $10 pound) |
MERGEDH.ZIP | Yes | 42809 | 5/29/1989 | Merge is a program which merges ASCII data files with ASCII text files. This allows you to do mail-merge, ie: to merge address files with letters to produce form letters. Note: the files INVIT.* go with MERGE. (Dave Haberle) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
OUNCE_OP.ZIP | Yes | 85678 | 3/5/1994 | Ounce Of Prevention allows deleted or overwritten files to be restored, as well as trapping attempts to format the hard disk. Up to eight generations of a file can be recovered. It also offers file security, write protection, the ability to free up disk space when the drive gets full, and critical disk error handling. (Pete Maclean) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
PI_COMP.ZIP | Yes | 3923 | 5/29/1989 | PI-COMP is really more of a directory comparison utility than a file comparer, but it does compare the contents of files as well. Example usage would be "PI-COMP A:*.* B:*.*" where the output would be a sorted, side-by-side listing of the two directories showing which files match and which don't. (Markus Pelt) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
PICSEE.ZIP | Yes | 98741 | 3/10/1994 | PicSee 1.0 displays PCX and GIF files from batch files. QuickBasic source code is included. (John De Palma) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
POCK31.ZIP | Yes | 156667 | 10/29/1993 | PocketD 3.1 is a file utility with over 120 options. Features include directory listing, optimized file copying to multiple disks, searching across multiple drives and subdirectories, viewing of text or hex files, advanced string searching, safe file and subtree copying and moving, advanced wildcard matching, attribute and date/time modifying, file list browsing, viewing and searching of archived files, PKLITE/DIET/LZEXE detection, 37 user-defined parameters, display of program execution size, multi-key sorting, multiple display formats, environment variable and execution template allowing other utilities to be emulated and more. (Jeff Rollason) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) |
QCMP.ZIP | Yes | 13144 | 1/23/1991 | QCMP 1.14 compares two files or two groups of files. It is not designed to isolate file differences, but simply to tell you whether or not files are identical. QCMP is similar to DOS's COMP command except that it doesn't display differences; the display is better suited for automated processing; and it returns a usable errorlevel. Network support is also provided, and hidden files can be compared. (Christopher J. Dunford) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RESIZE.ZIP | Yes | 5803 | 5/29/1989 | Resize lets you truncate or expand a file to a new specified size. If the new size is larger, more space is allocated as needed from the disk's free space. This could be used to recover data lost by accidental deletion or truncation of files. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
RNF.ZIP | Yes | 8057 | 5/15/1991 | RNF 2.1 adds designated characters to the end of all filename prefixes matching a specified filespec. You can automatically add a four-character date or time stamp, or a letter code of your choosing. (Bob Eyer) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SBREAK.ZIP | Yes | 25929 | 5/29/1989 | Superbreaker 3.1A splits large files into smaller files through a variety of options: by size, by match string, or by line count. Works on text files or binary files (such as large ZIP files). Files are recombined by using DOS's COPY x+y command. Files can be split at every Nth occurrence of a break string, or can be split to a certain size up to the next occurrence of a break string. (Thomas A. Lundin) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
SHRED.ZIP | Yes | 17112 | 2/18/1993 | Shred and Glue allows you to break large files into smaller files for easier management on floppies. It will work with 360k to 1.4MB disks. Glue allows you to combine the files back together into one large file. Shred and Glue have more features than similar programs. You can tell Shred a maximum file size to create or simply let it automatically split a file into chunks to fit on floppies until done. (Matt Gruson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SHRLK273.ZIP | Yes | 115205 | 2/18/1994 | Sherlock 2.73 is a game of deduction. It provides you with clues from which you must deduce the location of objects. The goal is to solve the puzzle in the shortest time. This is an interesting, challenging game with good EGA/VGA graphics. Requires 512k and an MS compatible mouse. (John P Jr. Bauernschub) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25 each) |
SPLIT_JM.ZIP | Yes | 51164 | 11/3/1993 | Split 3.0 will split a large file onto multiple diskettes and allow you to change diskette drives and sizes in the process. For example, start with a 1.44MB and then go to a 1.22MB, 720K,360K, etc. (Joseph M. Morgan) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SPLIT30A.ZIP | Yes | 51110 | 2/2/1994 | Split & Unsplit 3.0a will split a large file onto multiple diskettes and allow you to change diskette drives and sizes in the process. (Joseph M. Morgan) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SPLIT6.ZIP | Yes | 31408 | 3/9/1994 | Split 6.0g divides a file into sections labeled partxx. points. Three auto-split options are to split the file into files of equal size, to specify the number of bytes in each new file, or to specify the number of lines in each new file. Other features include the ability to split a file manually, as well as automatically. (M. Dingacci) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SPLITMD.ZIP | Yes | 30076 | 6/21/1993 | Split 6.0e divides a file into smaller files at specified points. Three auto-split options are to split the file into files of equal size, to specify the number of bytes in each new file, or to specify the number of lines in each new file. Other features include the ability to split a file manually, as well as automatically. (M. Dingacci) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SRLK27.ZIP | Yes | 114671 | 9/24/1993 | Sherlock 2.7 compares two ASCII (text) files line by line. Also included is Disklist, which prints disk sleeve inserts showing directory contents. (John P Jr. Bauernschub) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25 each) |
STF145.ZIP | Yes | 62467 | 11/18/1993 | Show Two Files 1.45 compares two ASCII text files side-by-side. Files can be scrolled through independently or together, differences are highlighted by dimming unequal lines in one file. and text searches can be performed on either or both files. (Robert P. McCormick) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
STOREIT.ZIP | Yes | 8869 | 5/2/1992 | StoreIt 0.02 is a version-tracking backup utility. When a file is copied to a backup, the name is changed to include either a sequence number or the current date. Optionally, the original file can be deleted. The backup file can be placed in the original directory or any other specified directory. (Nordevald Software) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
SWAPNAME.ZIP | Yes | 1671 | 6/22/1989 | Swapname lets you swap the names of two files, such as SWAPNAME TEST.OLD TEST.NEW. (Reg.Fee: $?) |
TAD130.ZIP | Yes | 51184 | 1/31/1994 | Time And Date 1.30 allows changing the time and date on files. It also keeps logs on files that it has changed. (Samual Kaplin) (Reg.Fee: $10.00) |
TC15.ZIP | Yes | 21395 | 2/18/1994 | TC 1.5 allows two text files to be viewed side-by side. (Robert M. Peffer) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
TOUCH.ZIP | Yes | 12336 | 6/22/1989 | Touch lets you change a file's time and date stamp to specified values. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
UNERASE.ZIP | Yes | 4070 | 6/22/1989 | Unerase will un-delete files. UNERASE should work on any disk up to 20 megs, or 30 if it has fewer than 12,800 blocks, which would be the case with a 4K block size. In case your deleted file is a text file, you have the option of viewing the doubtful blocks (those after the first) before accepting them back in the file. (Eric Gans) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
UNIQNAME.ZIP | Yes | 14785 | 5/28/1989 | UniqName lets you rename a one or a set of files to a unique name. You can use wildcards aad list up to ten filespecs on the command line. You can choose to change the file extensions to numbers starting with 000 or you you can have it change the names to the current date (eg: 890531) plus a unique letter. (Ty Halderman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VDIFF.ZIP | Yes | 17418 | 5/29/1989 | Vdiff compares two text files and creates a third file with a "change bar" in the margin to indicate where changes have occurred. (D. & Kim, Craig J. Krantz) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VIEW2.ZIP | Yes | 26033 | 6/22/1989 | View2 1.2 lets you view two text files simultaneously. View-Two's features include text search, file comparison line by line, directory display and the ability to cut-and-paste between files. Only the first 776 lines of each file can be displayed. (Steve Leonard) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
ZERO_430.ZIP | Yes | 13876 | 3/18/1994 | Zero 4.30 makes zero length files. (PsL Note: You can also make a zero length file by entering REM > FILENAME at the DOS prompt.) (James Huckabey) (Reg.Fee: $0) |